India-Bangladesh: Of Shared History and conjoined Future

“Both the communities (Hindu and Muslim) love Hindi serials and movies; but whenever something happens in India, reverberations are felt here in Bangladesh.” This simple statement coming from the priest of temple in Sylhet underlines the intertwined fate of the people of the two countries that were part of the same political entity once upon a time. It was this intrigue that lured me to travel to Bangladesh in this sweltering motherless heat. After fending off the questioning looks of friends and family members, as I applied for visa I was confronted with the familiar question – “Why Bangladesh?” I said, “Tourism.” The official looked unconvinced but I was not denied the visa. Apart from tourism was motivated me to go to Bangladesh that I wanted to visit a land which was within India not even a century ago. And since a visa to Pakistan will be hard come by, considering my family’s history deeply steeped in Indian defence forces, I zeroed in on Bangladesh. The circuit of Shil...