Dancing into people’s hearts – the Bollywood way!!
Imagine you are over 6,000 km away from India setting your foot on an Island in the Baltic Sea where the chill in the weather has almost reached your bones. You encounter barely 12 people during your first few hours on the Island. And the first person you talk to refuse to let go of your hand and keep blabbering about Bollywood, when he comes to know that you are from India. Well this happened to me as I was traveling with a farrago (always wanted to use it after Mr. Shashi Tharoor enlightened us ) of mixed nationalities - one from China, one German, one half Canadian, one half German and of course myself an Indian. We reached Kuressare in Saaremaa island of Estonia in the afternoon, but did not see a single soul. As we took a stroll and zeroed in on a nice restaurant for our early dinner, an old man walked in and intrigued by our diversity struck a conversation and then it veered towards Bollywood. This was not the first time that the goodwill towards...